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Delays in Babies - Infant Signs That Your Baby Could Be Delayed Or Behind

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

Not one person thinks that when they have a child that your baby could have any sort of problems.

And It is super hard to admit that there might be something causing you baby to be behind.

You want to help them strive, but at the same time, you don’t want to have to accept that your child could be delayed.

The important thing to remember though is that the sooner you bring up your concerns to their doctor, the sooner you can get in to see a specialist, and the sooner you can prevent an ongoing problem.

Children that have delays could need therapy in someway shape or form. Doing this can help prevent ongoing or more problems the older they get and the more they grow!

In this article we will talk about every possible infant signs in order, and the ways you can treat these delays.

baby on floor playing with toys

Holding Their Head Up

One of the infant signs that everyone knows about newborns is that they cannot hold their head up well by themselves. That’s why you heard “hold their head!” while you were growing up.

Between the ages 1 to 3 months old, your baby should be able to hold their head up by themselves.

After 6 months old, your baby should have complete control of their head!

After 3 months old if you notice the infant signs that your baby still does not have good control of their neck and head, cannot turn their head, or still leans their head to one side,

you should talk to their doctor.

If your doctor thinks any of these delays said in this article are a problem with your child, they will refer you to be seen by a specialist. From there, the specialist will decide if your baby needs physical therapy.

Physical therapy can help your child immensely, and it can also help prevent more problems for them in the future. Because it’s possible that your baby’s problems could increase as your child grows.

Rolling Over

An essential skill for babies to learn before they can move on to sitting up or crawling is rolling over by themselves.

Many babies start rolling over around 4 months old. However it still takes some practice for them to get super good at it.

After 6 months old, if your child is not rolling back to stomach and stomach to back, this needs to addressed by your doctor.

At this age they should be able to roll by themselves very well!

So don’t get upset when your friends baby is rolling at 4 months and your baby is just now wanting to at 5 months.

As long as they reach this milestone by 6 months old, this is a completely normal and great thing!

Sitting Up

One of the best milestones for babies is when they learn to sit up by themselves!

This makes the day more fun for them, and easier on you as well!

Around 4.5 months old, a baby can start practicing to learn to sit up by themselves, with you being right beside them.

It is good to practice, but don’t make them sit up with out support for too long if you can see they are tired and don’t want to practice anymore.

Usually around 6 months old, a baby will be able to sit up with a little to no help at all.

Babies progress sometimes faster and sometimes slower.

However, If after 9 months your babe still cannot sit up well without support, that is when to be worried about this milestone.

This is when it should be consulted with

your doctor!

If you are worried before this 9 month marker, you can always talk to your doctor and they can always reassure you.

“Standing Up”

One of the more fun things to do when you are a baby, is putting pressure on your legs and being able to stand (while someone is holding on to you, of course).

Some babies will even love to do this and jump..and jump and jump and jump!

Some babies are quick to develop this skill and will want to stand up at 2 to 4 months old with support!

However by the time they are 6 months old, they should be able to hold their own weight with you holding them!

They should also learn how to push themselves up to the standing up position with you holding on to their arms around this age.

Babies love to stand up at this age so this will be a very exciting milestone for them!


Crawling is one of those things that is not really considered a milestone.

A lot of babies get around in other ways besides crawling like scooting. And that’s why it’s not considered a milestone, because not all babies crawl.

However, they should still be able to get around in their own way.

At around 6 months old, babies will usually get up on their hands and knees to rock

back and forth.

Then usually babies will start crawling or getting around in someway at 9 months old.

However, 9 months is just the average for crawling. If your baby is not crawling or getting around by themselves at 11-12 months old, that is when to talk to your doctor about what should be accessed.

Pulling Up and Standing

Between 7 months to 12 months, your baby starts discovering the life of pulling up and standing on his own.

At seven months, your babies legs should be strong enough to stand well with little support.

At nine months, your baby may start to pull up on things like the couch or tables.

At 10 months to a Year old, your baby will be able to learn to balance their weight and eventually be able to stand up by themselves!


Some babies are super fast learners and they may walk as soon as 8 months old!

I know that seems crazy but it happens!

The rule of thumb when you can start practicing walking is after 8-9 months old.

  • You can do this by holding your child's hands while scooting their feet forward using your foot, one step at a time.

  • You can also let them try and take a few steps in between you and another person that is close to your baby.

If your baby has not walked by 18 months old, they definitely need to be seen by a specialist. Because there might be an under lying reason that your child shows no interest in walking.


Before your babe even learns to talk they will learn gestures such as clapping, pointing, and waving bye bye or hello.

These are big things to take notice of, because these are signs that your child could talk in the future.

Some Babies will say mama or dada by the time they are 9 months old.

However, First words usually start at around 12 months old.

One thing to look out for though is if you baby refuses to say even mama or dada at 18 months.

By 24 months (2 years old) they should be able to say quite a few different words, and possibly put 3-5 word sentences together.

Delays are very common in babies, and the most common delay is not wanting to talk.

But these delays can be accessed and they can be managed by some therapy, whether that be physical or speech.

Don't get down on yourself thinking you didn’t do enough, because you are doing great!

Some babies just need a hypothetical push in the right direction!

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